Thursday, January 12, 2017

SUNY SA President's Statement on the 2017 State of the State

The following statement was submitted by Marc Cohen, President and Trustee of the Student Assembly of the State University of New York (SUNY SA). 

On behalf of the more than 600,000 students attending the largest comprehensive system of public higher education in the nation, we are proud to stand in support of Governor Andrew Cuomo's ambitious higher education agenda for 2017.

College Affordability -Millions of SUNY students have realized the potential of a college degree and have gone on to earn more money, live longer, lead healthier lives, and achieve more fulfilling careers. It is incredibly exciting to hear the Governor's plans to make the SUNY promise of opportunity one afforded to all New Yorkers regardless of their zip code or their bank statement. The Excelsior Scholarship is an important facet of this march toward greater access, and we hope for its success. While optimistic and supportive of any form of college affordability, we realize that there are many important logistics yet to be determined, and we eagerly await those details. Ensuring that the program is both inclusive and comprehensive is paramount.

Ridesharing -The Student Assembly has, does, and will continue to actively support statewide ridesharing, and we applaud the Governor’s effort to ensure upstate equity by implementing this program. Students on every campus are major economic drivers in their surrounding communities but often face difficulties securing reliable, safe, and affordable transportation. Companies like Uber and Lyft offer competitive rates and are often more widely available than standard livery services. They also provide independent entrepreneurial opportunities for students seeking to supplement their income while managing a full academic and extracurricular schedule. We look forward to working with the Governor and legislature on passing this critical initiative.

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