Tuesday, October 11, 2016

The Lesser of the Evils


This is the last of this series of three columns on the upcoming U.S./Presidential elections and “what is to be done.”  (Well, hardly in the Leninist sense, for there hardly is a revolutionary party afoot nor is there a revolutionary situation [yet].)   But left-wingers (and I presume that the bulk of the readers of the columns on The Greanville Post find themselves in that political category) have been, rightly in my view, spending a good deal of time pondering that question.  In fact, a good deal of electronic ink has been spilt considering it, some of the writing not in the politest of language.

I am on a variety of threads where the language is heated.  Trump is a fascist (obviously I agree with that and said so in an earlier TGP column).  Thus one cannot possibly vote for him — except that maybe that wouldn’t be such a bad idea because a Trump Presidency could stir up the kind of political organization and action that this country desperately needs.  This might be called the “Susan Sarandon” strategy.  For the famous actress actually hinted at this position when she was interviewed on MSNBC some months ago, as a Bernie Supporter, and said that she would have a very tough time voting for Hillary.

In supporting this type of position, on one thread one leftist actually described Trump as a “harmless [I don’t know what he was smoking] buffoon,” while at the same time JEB Bush described him just as a buffoon (and an “asshole” and a “clown.”  But JEB just doesn’t like the Repubs. hood torn off.) One could note that before Adolf Hitler became Chancellor on January 30, 1933, many in Germany, particularly in the Left, regarded him as an incompetent joke.  In fact, the head of the Communist Party of Germany, Ernst Thaelmann, has been quoted as saying words to the effect of: “Give him three months, and then it will be our turn.”

And here’s a footnote on Trump.  On MSNBC on September 27, (Dr.) Howard Dean commented on the very noticeable sniffling that Trump engaged in for the whole 1 ½ hours.  Stating several times that he would not engage in diagnosis-over-television, he did just that, coming to a diagnosis of cocaine use.  If that’s true, and if it were to get out somehow, one would think that the election would be over — except that it’s Donald Trump.) 

Click here for the full article. 

Source: The Greanville Post

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