Thursday, January 21, 2016

H1N1 Swine Flu: A New Pandemic on the Way?


An outbreak of swine flu in eastern Europe is claiming lives and causing a stir in the media.

A major H1N1 outbreak sparked a World Health Organization pandemic alert in June 2009, after the virus emerged from Mexico and the United States.

The outbreak killed around 18,500 people in 214 countries. The alert was lifted in August 2010. Since then bird flu has become a pressing preoccupation, but swine flu has the potential to be a global killer. So should we be worried?

Armenia has reported 18 deaths, with neighbouring Georgia three, but both countries say the victims had complications and sought treatment far too late, and there is no question of an epidemic. 

Click here for the full article. 

Source: Euronews

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