Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Matt Drudge and the New N-Word: "Urban"

Has "The Drudge Report" Created a Buzz Word for Covert Racists, the Mainstream Media and Politicians?

Folks, let me be very clear about one thing. I don't back down from a fight, no matter how big the opponent. Case in point, the iconic Matt Drudge and his news juggernaut, "The Drudge Report". I have a great deal of respect for the man and the news empire he has built over the last decade or so. Drudge may be the news industry's Goliath, but I have the heart of David.

Unlike Drudge, I don't have a staff and operate as a one-man army -- putting in as many as 40 hours posting articles, placing follow-up calls for stories, calling sources, setting up exclusive interviews and creating original news content without earning a dime. This independent news and information source is my passion, and if "From The G-Man" is fortunate enough to one day compete with the Drudge Report, in terms of readership and profit, it will be quite an accomplishment.

Having said that, I would be remiss if I didn't express my displeasure over a number of articles that were published on his website over the Memorial Day weekend. I didn't take issue with his reporting of rioting and violence by bad-ass teens raising hell all across the country. That's what I expect him to do. What I had a serious problem with was the use of the word "urban" to describe the majority of the people causing the disturbances.

It's no secret that the term urban has always been used to refer to people living in certain areas of a metropolis, usually those of low-income or poor status. As time progressed, these areas became overwhelmingly inhabited by people of color and the negative stereotypes soon followed. Keep those last three words in mind -- people of color -- because they will be very important by the end of this commentary.

The articles that appeared on the front page of the Drudge Report on May 30th showed Black people taking part in criminal acts. Let me say it one more time. I have no problem with that. If you catch dumb-asses doing wrong, report it, no matter what color they are. However, what raised my suspicion, and level of concern, was the fact that the word urban appeared three times, in three different articles, on the same front page!

Now, based on my experience as a journalist, that's a major no-no. It's considered overkill, and the only reason anyone would do it is to stress a point or implant a thought. Drudge and his editors could've simply referred to the participants as roving gangs or thugs. Even mobsters are called thugs. Thus, I'm forced to wonder what Matt Drudge's motive was for using the term three times in three different front page stories. I have a theory, and I really hope I'm wrong about it. Hopefully, "The Drudgester" will reach out to me and explain, if he cares to.

I believe the word was repeated in three different front page stories as a psychological tool to suggest to his readers, whom are predominately Caucasian, that when you see or hear the word urban, you are to immediately assume two things: it refers to Blacks and that they're a bunch of unruly, violent savages.

Again, I hope this was not what Drudge intended. There are far too many people in this country that are Drudge Report loyalists and believers of the news-gospel it spreads. If it was intended, then his website has ventured outside the realm and true spirit of journalism and into a dark and extremely dangerous place, and "David" is using this commentary as his sling.

Given the fact that people know me as a straight-shooter, let me go even further, since -- according to a recent feature on Drudge that appeared in the New York Times -- the national media and politicians are greatly influenced by what's published on the Drudge Report.

Matt Drudge has given every American politician, media personality, and citizen that loathes Black people a new buzz word for "conservative" discussions about not only the horrifying Memorial Day incidents, but Black culture, in general.

Racist analysts, commentators and pundits can't refer to the groups cited in these news reports by what they really want to call them, out of control NIGGERS, and -- whether he realizes it or not --Drudge has given them a back-door to escape any claim of being racist whenever they discuss these matters. Mark my words, with youth unemployment at a record high across the country, especially among those of color, and teens with no outlet for their anger and frustration, discussions about growing incidents of weekend or holiday violence will be had in the months to come. I suspect July 4th is going to be a bitch!

The biggest danger posed by the urban-Black connection, which I believe was inadvertently made on the Drudge Report postings, is this: Pictures of people were posted that may not have been Black! Those pictured may have had Black skin or "looked Black", whatever the hell that means, but it's a well-known fact that people of Latin origin have dark skin. Cubans and Dominicans are perfect examples. Thus, the captions, headlines and photos may not necessarily reflect those being showcased. This is where the national media, including you, Mr. Drudge, needs to be very, very careful. This is not about political correctness. It's about code words and the damage that can be inflicted by improperly assessing one's character or group affiliation.

I'll close with a public challenge to Matt Drudge, politicians from both parties, 2012 presidential candidates and the national media. If you're going to start breaking these types of stories, or having town hall discussions about the fact that the "Summer of Hell" is upon us -- citing these criminal-minded, lazy, saggy-pants-wearing, unintelligent, welfare-loving, unruly "Black" people as a serious threat to this great nation -- then, at the very least, have the balls to start breaking stories and having serious discussions about how precious and protected "Wall Street White-Boys" are also playing a pivotal role in America's downfall....and getting away with it.

This commentary is from the heart and.....From The G-Man.


Maarten said...

G-man, I agree that it's stupid. But I don't necessarilly feel it was malevolent. It's just stupid like people calling themselves 'libertarians' because the 'old' political labels raise bad associations. Like changing labels changes anything.

alyceclover said...

I do not know if The Drudge Report created the buzz word ~ I have seen it here and there on various news articles.

I may notice the word "urban" (urban youths, urban neighborhood), but it does not register with me ~

~ until I start reading comments posted by other readers. They are typical bigot remarks. I have actually re-read articles to see if I missed mention of skin color; nope, it was that U-word, that lead readers to assume skin color.

If the alleged criminals names are Hispanic sounding, the comments jump right to "illegal immigrants".

Those who bypass our immigration laws to live here as citizens come from many nations. White teens commit crimes. Yet we do not see "white teen rapes 6-year-old boy (or girl)" headlines. Or "gang of white boys set sleeping homeless man on fire".

Reporters, editors, Matt Drudge ~ all need to take a look at themselves and question why they feel the need to delineate criminals ethnic background when reporting news.